News — Cable WI
Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival Sept 14-16th - Mountain Bike Race, Kids Events & Family Fun
Cable WI Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival Downtown Historic Hayward WI Events Events Hayward WI Family Fun Festivals Hayward WI Hayward Wisconsin Kids Events & Activities Mountain Bike Racing Mountain Biking

Join us on September 15, 2018 for the 36th Annual Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival presented by Trek! Off-road bicyclists from across the country make the annual trek to the Chequamegon (She-wa-me-gon) Fat Tire Festival; which means fat tire racing and fun for the entire family. Each year in mid-September, thousands of fat tire fliers descend on the towns of Cable and Hayward in northwestern Wisconsin to take on the off-road bicycle tests of endurance and agility offered throughout the weekend. Family friendly, with Children's Bicycle Parade and Rodeo on Saturday. Funday Events have been a long standing part of the Chequamegon...